ILC Preschool
Come Join Our Fun!

There is still room for YOU! 
 2024-2025 registration is ongoing for the year. Just use the buttons below. We would love to have your child join us!

REGISTRATION for 2025/2026 will begin in January 2025.  
Registrations are taken on a first come, first served basis. You can apply online anytime.  Your registration will be accepted and confirmed after your registration group opens in January 2025.  See groups below.

Currently Enrolled Families - Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Alumni Families - Tuesday, January 14, 2025
New Families - Monday, January 20, 2025

Don't forget about Lunch Bunch!  
Lunch Bunch gives your student an additional hour on campus.  We eat lunch together, have special activities, listen to great books, and enjoy an extra recess.  If you are in our AM classes, teacher will deliver your student to Lunch Bunch each day or if you are in our PM classes, your drop off would be an hour earlier (11:15am).  Afternoon students are delivered to preschool after lunch and activities.  You pack a lunch from home, and we do the rest.  This is the best opportunity to help your student get ready for a full day of school and eating away from home.  We promote independence for all students just learning to open items, like milk or Lunchables!


What Ages?

2 years old (mornings only)
3 years old (morning & afternoon)
4 years old (morning & afternoon)
5 years old (morning & afternoon)

What Times?

Morning Classes - 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Afternoon Classes - 12:15 pm - 2:45 pm  
Lunch Bunch - 11:15am - 12:30 pm

What Days?

2's Class (W)
Three Days (T-W-TH)
Four Days (M-TH)
Lunch Bunch (T-W-TH)

More Information

email  to schedule a campus tour.

Hello From Our Staff

From Left to Right Top Row:  Maggie Laier (4 day Teacher),  Haley Hitztaler (3 day class Teaching Assistant), Michelle Clancy (4 day AM Teaching Assistant),  Erin Neeley (3 day Teacher),  
Cris Petersen (4 day Teaching Assistant).
From Left to Right Bottom Row: Amy Schweim (2's Teacher),  Jackie Linington (Lunch Bunch),  
 Michelle Barger (Preschool Director & 4 day AM Teacher), Emma Palmer (Lunch Bunch & 2's Class Assistant)              ,